Friday, February 12, 2010

My Gear

For paintball, I want to eventually get a Dye Matrix 10. They are the newest and best installment into the DM line with sleeker design, a hyper 3 regulator, and less kick and quieter shots. You will also get more shots and better accuracy with this gun. By the time I get that good there will probably be a DM13.


I am trying to get into paintballing but i need to get a job because it is a very expensive and hardcore sport. My hopes are to play in the world cup in a few years and hopefully make it to D2 or D1 and maybe even Pro, I would also love to be able to meet Oliver Lang or Nicky Cuba of the LA Ironmen.


Jordan Tannous, my friend over to the left of me, is doing baseball tryouts. I hope he makes it, everyone should support him in his time of need.


Sadly, the soccer season is almost over. We have a soccer game today and two more next week. then the season is over. But I am going snowboarding this weekend. Where the hell is JIM JAY.

Fire Lab

Yesterday we did a lab where we oxidized magnesium and it was fun because we got to play with fire.

Bubbles of DOOM!

Last week Mr. Olson showed us these bubbles that when lit on fire, they lit on fire. How cool is that?